Beyond Codes Inc.

How to Use LinkedIn in the Right Way for B2B Lead Generation

How to Use LinkedIn in the Right Way for B2B Lead- Beyond Codes

As a B2B lead generation specialist, what is the best strategy to level up your sales game? How do we keep powering our sales pipeline to stay ahead of the curve?

Well, the answer is SOCIAL MEDIA.

Social media is nowadays a high-powered tool for B2B marketers to initiate leads and sales. 

Out of all the social media channels popular in businesses, LinkedIn is a much-loved platform for B2B lead generation and driving conversions.

According to data from the social company, audiences exposed to brand messages on LinkedIn are 6X more likely to convert.

LinkedIn is no more a professional networking platform. It is revolutionizing how B2B companies connect with their target audience, engage with them to showcase their value proposition, build trust by offering an effective solution, and drive quality leads. 

Note: Because social selling is everywhere, all you need is the right B2B lead generation strategy to help buyers decide.

This blog outlines the following topics to cover-

Table of Content—
B2B Lead Generation: An Overview
LinkedIn Lead Generation: An Overview
3 Ways to Avail LinkedIn for B2B Lead Generation
Final Thoughts
 Use LinkedIn in the Right Way for B2B Lead Generation- Beyond Codes

Let’s dive in-

B2B Lead Generation: An Overview

B2B lead generation is selling services from business to business. It is the process of identifying, engaging, and nurturing interest among prospects interested in your products or services. Every sales and marketing organization is incomplete without this process. The goal is to attract prospects, generate leads and move them into the sales funnel.

But why is B2B lead generation important?

The reason is, it contributes to a business’s success by increasing credibility, reliability, awareness, and interest among a group of potential leads. Several factors show its importance for B2B lead generation-

  • Provide new opportunities for business growth
  • Enhance the visibility of the brand
  • Enhance the market value of the company
  • Convert prospects into paying customer

Thus, focusing on lead generation helps in getting high-quality prospects. And let’s see how LinkedIn comes into play.

LinkedIn Lead Generation: An Overview

Lead generation through LinkedIn is leveraging the platform to identify, engage with, and nurture potential prospects. It’s a valuable strategy that helps clients connect with the right prospects and convert them into paying customers.

82% of B2B marketers experience great success on the LinkedIn platform compared to other social channels.

You need to target the audience of decision-makers and influencers looking for relevant data, insights, and solutions for their business challenges. Depending upon the type of targeted audience and industry, the cost per lead (CPL) for LinkedIn could vary greatly.

Here’s why LinkedIn lead gen is beneficial

  • Enables you to reach a highly targeted audience of business influencers and decision-makers.
  • Converts 3x more leads than other major platforms for free and paid strategy.

Current LinkedIn Statistics You Need to Know—

  • Their network comprises over 500 million business professionals.
  • Out of 500 million users, 100 million are active daily.
  • Approximately 40 million users can make decisions within their organizations.

3 Ways to Avail LinkedIn for B2B Lead Generation

There are many online approaches and strategies available that businesses can execute on LinkedIn to generate B2B leads. Here are the three popular ways that businesses, whether startup or established, can avail-

  1. Reaching Prospects for Direct Contact

Let’s begin with an easy win. To approach the targeted prospects, keep a few pointers in mind so they won’t consider you a “spammer” or “just a random tele caller.”

Study your prospect’s profile well: By this, we mean thoroughly going through their LinkedIn profile to go through his designation, company name, KRAs, and other things he has mentioned. You can segment or filter people using LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator service based on criteria, including location, job function, or industry.

Recognize the Potential Signals: Consider it as your prospect or future lead if anyone holding a designated position view your or your company’s profile. At the initial touchpoint, it could mark the beginning of the buyer’s journey. 

Send Follow-Up Messages: Once the connection request is accepted, message them by saying, “Thank you for accepting my request.” Then, you can float the idea of setting up an appointment. Remember, your message does not seem pushy, but it represents you as a helpful advisor.

  1. Generating Leads Via LinkedIn Groups

Another process is creating and managing a group or LinkedIn profile that focuses purely on your product or service. To make your profile look authentic, publish valuable content, create posts, organize online events, start discussions, and more. 

It includes three easy steps: 

Identify and join some groups focusing on similar industries and discuss niches or topics.  

Develop relevant content for your group that interests prospects or solves their queries keeping yourself in their place. 

Make your content compelling for group members. Social sharing like posts, blogs, and Q&A discussions, could be your elevator pitch to group members as to why they should click through to your content.

  1. Targeting Priority Accounts

Targeting priority accounts is a key factor of account-based marketing (ABM) strategy, which is sales-oriented marketing. It focuses on the quality of leads, not the quantity. ABM treats each account – whether a prospect or a customer – as its market and creates customized campaigns for them.

Using LinkedIn, a robust ABM platform, you may connect to and engage with decision-makers and influencers in your target accounts. This boosts your ROI, harmonizes your sales and marketing tactics, and encourages more conversions. 

A few benefits of targeting priority accounts on LinkedIn are:

  • Prospects are more likely to respond to your messages where professional conversations happen.
  • Your messages can be tailored to your prospect’s pain points and goals to build trust.
  • Offer relevant content, offer solutions, and ask questions to provide value to your prospects.
  • Tracking key metrics such as engagement, leads, and conversions can help you measure campaign effectiveness.

Final Thoughts

LinkedIn is undoubtedly a robust tool for generating B2B leads. Using it correctly can take your lead-generation efforts to a completely different level.

The above-mentioned ways will save you time and energy by filtering and reaching the right prospects with minimal interest in your offerings. This results in better relationships with prospects looking to avail of similar services you offer.

Are you also looking to close your deal faster or need any consultancy in getting qualified leads through LinkedIn? Contact our B2B lead generation experts at Beyond Codes right away. We would be glad to help you leverage LinkedIn to generate real results and experience staggering business growth. 



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