Beyond Codes Inc.

From Prospecting to Closures – Managing The Entire Sales Function for Our Client

Our client is a leading technology and services provider based in the United States. The client provides technology solutions to organization across industries and geographies.

The client was struggling to close deals in the UK as they lacked physical presence and sales teams in that region. They needed assistance in connecting with the key decision-makers and influencers in the Automobile industry to mark their footsteps in the European market. They wanted to outsource their sales function to someone who had the market knowledge and presence in the UK.

The client wanted to target the relevant decision-makers in the market, build a sales pipeline, nurture and take them to closure. This could lay a steppingstone for their delivery center in the UK.

They had worked with Beyond Codes in the past and found value in the projects we delivered. They were aware of our capabilities in the European markets. After having a brief discussion on the challenge that they are facing, team at Beyond Codes suggested our sales as a service model to help them with their challenge. We proposed to leverage our multilingual capabilities, market expertise, and call smart model to generate leads, follow them up with product demos, nurture them with relevant content at multiple touchpoints, and hand them over to the clients once they were ready to sign the contract.

A dedicated team, inclusive of an Account Manager, Client Partner, Contact Discovery, Research & QA, was set up to ensure focused effort towards building a healthy pipeline. This helped in creating a buyer persona and target database of accounts and decision-makers.

Leveraging our Call-SMART model, we generated meetings with the relevant decision-makers in the Automobile industry. The first level of interactions was taken care of by Beyond Codes to give a company overview on behalf of the client and understand the requirements.

Product demos, both online and in-person were set up with the approved decision-makers by the client- CXO, CXO-1 & CXO-2 level executives. Follow-ups with curated content were shared with the hot leads to further nurture them and help them progress through the sales cycle. Multiple interactions were planned with the prospects, including email marketing and social media marketing.

Beyond Codes was able to generate 10 hot leads to whom product demos were provided. Within 4 months, we closed the 1st deal in the market and generated several hot leads for the sales pipeline.

  • 10+ Relevant leads generated
  • 1st Sales closure within 4 months of campaigning
  • 30% increase in leads at the top of the funnel
  • Increased overall Facetime with Key Influencers and C/V/D level decision-makers


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