Beyond Codes Inc.

From Uncertainty to surging further into the $717 billion industry

Helping a Leading Product Engineering Company utilize our years of experience and expertise in database nurturing.

Data is the key to making informed business decisions. The trouble with data is, for it to be really useful, you need a lot of it. And for one of the largest IT& Product engineering companies in the country, the unavailability of data had become an overwhelming problem.

Our partner company boasts of an annual turnover of $8.5bn and run a dynamic business. While it had grown rapidly, building simplified and scalable solutions for the next-gen users, cost optimization and developing a business model of innovation was a problem, and at the center of our strategy

Our partners’ team knew there had to be a better way. Their thinking: why couldn’t there be a one-stop destination for data, meetings, and other touchpoints to build a healthy, secure sales pipeline?

Collaborating closely with the team to unearth relevant influencers & decision-makers, in the North American and European geo, we dug into the big data sets. The, especially in goal, was not only to build a pipeline but also to ensure the relevancy of the pipeline is top-notch.

The team Beyond Codes asked basic questions to better understand the requirements of the business, its leaders, and how this will shape the future of the services overall: What were the challenges faced by the in-house team? Who are the decision-makers in their respective service offering? Their feedback enabled us to carve out a database capable of getting the desired results.

Although their team were using the technology/tools as an answer to the challenges faced, they soon realized that the product engineering team couldn’t run specific queries without them. This opened the door to a solution that would allow them to mine the vast amount of data, get more FaceTime with industry leaders, decision-makers, and influencers and get the desired results.

Once the agenda was clear, we got to work. Getting the resources with the required expertise in place, we focused on achieving the target. New solutions are more readily adopted when small improvements lead to tangible, visible benefits.

Real Impact is inevitable when challenges meet zealous humans.

Today, our client has a healthy pipeline in place that also boasts streamlined processes to convert marketing qualified leads to sales qualified leads on top of.

120 meetings with industry leaders and growth drivers
– Semi-qualified leads harvested into the pipeline
– Regular feedback meetings to ensure a more targeted, time-effective approach
– The Proprietary Call-SMART approach used extensive research

Furthermore, the decision-makers & influencers across the industry consisted of the pipeline enhancing both customer relations and decision-making.
Based on this success, we helped our partner with data, meetings, and decision-makers from GEOs where the database is not readily available.
