Beyond Codes Inc.

Artificial Intelligence and Marketing Automation- Difference & Application

Artificial intelligence is the technology that impersonate human intelligence in tasks that usually require human effort. Artificial Intelligence is a big part of the digital world we live in today. If a company has digital presence, AI must be impacting its customers’ daily life. AI techniques have gone through a rediscovery in recent years; use of computers, digital media and technology has made it an essential part of not only human life but also the technology industry.

Marketing automation is the use of software and technologies designed to help marketing professionals to use different digital channels and automate monotonous tasks. MA helps increase the human efficiency and reduce errors. Current technology uses hosted or web-based application where no software installation is essential which makes it suitable and easy to use. It helps marketers control complicated message chains which would not be possible manually. Such complex data blends cannot be created by human brain due to a lack of storage capacity.

Artificial intelligence and marketing automation are different on the operational and implementational parameters. MA tasks are performed basis the parameters already set by a person and only executed automatically; while AI goes a step ahead and makes decisions on its own basis the data received from different sources. However, AI and marketing automation are used together. AI is currently used by marketing professionals to improve data management in automation tools.

Artificial Intelligence is used in the field of social media & search engine optimization. Semantic searches use artificial intelligence to identify a specific topic in an article, instead of finding just user-selected search terms. Applied AI is currently used by companies such as Facebook, Amazon, and other e-commerce conglomerates to deeply influence our choices in real time.

Marketing across demographics is an easy task today with a few clicks on marketing automation tools. What if all the work right from identifying the right target audience, creating messages, segmentation of Data, and scheduling the releases could be Automated as well? Marketing will become most efficient if most time-consuming tasks get executed without human intervention. That’s how Artificial Intelligence can be used to empower Marketing Automation.


Content is key to all Digital Marketing activities and campaigns. Artificial Intelligence empowers the marketer to create customized content as per audience classification. Marketing automation tools help you create basic content, but AI can be used to produce and execute campaigns that are Custom-made for audiences across demographics.


Segmentation of data becomes really convenient with the use of AI. Categorization according to their online activity, purchase history, and various other metrics help you understand who your customers really are. Now you can target your audience based on their buyer personas and communicate in a more personalized, targeted and relevant way.


Artificially intelligent analytical tools enable you to find out the most effective and relevant visuals and including them in your messages gives you an edge in the world of brief attention-spans. Creating engagement with the clients with the help of these relevant visuals is a powerful capability one must have.



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